The international women’s IPL business, Gujarat Giants have signed Bhadrachalam’s own Trisha Pujita. Nursing her passion for cricket under the tutelage of coach Srinivas at Maredpalli in Hyderabad, Pooja honed her skills under the guidance of coach Rajashekhar.
Trained in the Boost Program under Indian coach R. Sridhar, the budding cricketer has shown incredible potential and dedication to the game and his journey to this milestone in his career has been one of marked by great skill and perseverance.
The cricket fraternity and supporters have expressed their happiness and are optimistic about Poojitha’s future in the game. Her entry into the women’s IPL is seen by many as just the beginning of a promising and inspiring cricketing journey. Gujarat Giants’ decision to rope in the revered actor is seen as a nod to his talent and future prospects on the cricket field.